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VMS provides the services customers need in a timely manner with the agility of a startup.

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Story of VMS Holdings

A Company Driving Maritime Sustainability

People Are the Future

The maritime industry encompassing trade, fisheries, and resource production is essential to maintaining the convenience of modern life. 

With over 90% of the industry relying on human labor, we strive to create a safe and healthy working environment for those on the front lines, ensuring the sustainability of the maritime sector. 

We aim to build a world where advanced technology and services are as accessible at sea as they are on land empowering individuals to utilize them for their own well-being. 

People built this industry, and people keep it running. 

That’s why we focus on people.

| Story of VMS Holdings

A Company Driving Maritime Sustainability

People Are the Future

The maritime industry encompassing trade, fisheries, and resource production is essential to maintaining the convenience of modern life. With over 90% of the industry relying on human labor, we strive to create a safe and healthy working environment for those on the front lines, ensuring the sustainability of the maritime sector. We aim to build a world where advanced technology and services are as accessible at sea as they are on land empowering individuals to utilize them for their own well-being. People built this industry, and people keep it running. That’s why we focus on people.