The Start of a Seamless Maritime Lifestyle

The Digital ID for the Maritime Industry

The Start of a Seamless Maritime Lifestyle 

The Digital ID for the Maritime Industry

ICA is a digital ID that enables access to services through mobile technology.

It revolutionizes the traditional process of identity verification previously reliant on passports 

and seafarer’s books and simplifies complex payment systems that once caused delays. 


ICA is a digital ID that enables access to services through mobile technology. 

It revolutionizes the traditional process of identity verification previously reliant on passports and seafarer’s books 

and simplifies complex payment systems that once caused delays.

ICA Authentication

ID features

The Start of a Fulfilling Onboard Life.

No need to carry your ID 

around with you

Now, the good life 

on board starts. 


Easy payments, 

Simple top-ups. 

Card payments? OK. Point payments? Even easier.

Complete Point Use &

 Transfers in 

Just 30 Seconds!

 Service Shared Channel

A dedicated service channel for the maritime industry lifestyle.

A connection hub linking OCECARE and future 

maritime lifestyle services 

by VMS Holdings.

 Boarding Verification

Easily report boarding by searching for your vessel.

Access exclusive services for onboard crew only.

Start Your Seamless Maritime Life

Install ICA Now

mobile background

ICA Authentication

 ID features

The Start of a Fulfilling Onboard Life.

No need to carry your ID around with you

Now, the good life on board starts.

mobile background


Easy payments, 

Simple top-ups. 

Card payments? OK. Point payments? Even easier.

Complete Point Use & Transfers in Just 30 Seconds!

mobile background

 Service Shared Channel

A dedicated service channel for the maritime industry lifestyle.

A connection hub linking OCECARE and future maritime lifestyle services by VMS Holdings.

mobile background

 Boarding Verification

Easily report boarding by searching for your vessel.

Access exclusive services for onboard crew only.

Start Your Seamless Maritime Life

Install ICA Now